Papers Which Cite WPdx
- Banks, Brian, et al. Testing, Piloting, and Validation of the Rural Water Indicator Global Framework in the African Context. World Bank, 12 Mar. 2020,
- Banks, Brian., and Furey, S. What’s Working, Where, and for How Long. Rural Supply Water Network, 2016.
- Carter, Richard C. Rural Community Water Supply. PRACTICAL ACTION PUBLISHING, 2021,
- Cook, Joseph, et al. “A Decision Support Tool for Rural Water Supply Planning.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, vol. 10, no. 3, Sept. 2020, pp. 447–57,
- Cook, Joseph, and Sheena Lahren. “Why Do Water Points Fail? Learning from Open-Ended Failure Descriptions in the WPDx Dataset.” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, vol. 7, no. 4, Dec. 2017, pp. 535–45,
- Cronk, Ryan. Using Monitoring Data to Identify Water and Sanitation Service Delivery Improvement Opportunities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries,
- Cunningham, Ian L. Designing for Motivations in Community‐managed Rural Water Supply. 2021,
- Deal, P. T., and S. G. Furey. “The 2019 RWSN Directory of Rural Water Supply Services, Tariffs, Management Models and Lifecycle Costs.” Skat Foundation, 2019,
- Dickinson, Nicolas. “Comparing Water Point Based and Household Survey Based Water Access Estimates with Publicly Available Data.” OSF Preprints, July 2022,
- Dickinson, N., Knipschild, F., Magara, P., & Kwizera, G. “Harnessing Water Point Data to Improve Drinking Water Services.” WASHNote, 2017.
- Fischer, A. (2017). Reconciling Polycentric Administrative Data to Improve Drinking Water Security in Rural Bangladesh. University of Oxford.
- Foster, Tim, et al. “Functionality of Handpump Water Supplies: A Review of Data from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific Region.” International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 36, no. 5, Sept. 2020, pp. 855–69,
- Foster, T., & McSorley, B. An Evaluation of the BluePump in Kenya and The Gambia. University of Technology Sydney, 2016.
- “Four Real-World Case Studies: Implement Augmented DSML to Enable Expert and Citizen Data Scientists.” Gartner Research,
- Geleijnse, Jan. A Completer Picture of Domestic Water Access and Consumption: Integrating Machine Learning Models and Survey Information. 2022,
- Geleijnse, Jan, et al. “Enhancing Water Access Monitoring Through Mapping Multi-Source Usage and Disaggregated Geographic Inequalities with Machine Learning and Surveys.” Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, Aug. 2023, p. 13433,
- Geographic Information System | IWRM Action Hub.
- Global Report on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Open Government Partnership, 201.
- Grech-Madin, Charlotte, et al. “Negotiating Water across Levels: A Peace and Conflict ‘Toolbox’ for Water Diplomacy.” Journal of Hydrology, vol. 559, Apr. 2018, pp. 100–09,
- Green, Mikada. “4 NGOs Fighting Water Scarcity in Ethiopia.” The Borgen Project, 7 Nov. 2022,
- Holm, Rochelle H., et al. “A Thought Leadership Piece: Where Are the Rural Groundwater Quality Data for the Assessment of Health Risks in Northern Malawi?” Groundwater for Sustainable Development, vol. 7, 2018, pp. 157–63,
- IRC. Rapid assessment of financing and monitoring of rural water services in Arsi Negele and Shashemene, Oromia, Ethiopia. IRC Ethiopia, 2019.
- Jarvis, Tyler, et al. “Using Survey Data and Mathematical Modeling to Prioritize Water Interventions in Developing Countries.” Water Resources Management, vol. 35, no. 2, 2021, pp. 745–56,
- Jasechko, Scott, and Debra Perrone. “Global Groundwater Wells at Risk of Running Dry.” Science, vol. 372, no. 6540, Apr. 2021, pp. 418–21,
- Joseph, George, et al. Why Do So Many Water Points Fail in Tanzania? An Empirical Analysis of Contributing Factors. Working Paper, World Bank, Feb. 2019,
- Kanjin, Kingsley, et al. “Assessing Potable Water Access and Its Implications for Households’ Livelihoods: The Case of Sibi in the Nkwanta North District, Ghana.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 12, no. 9, Sept. 2023, p. 365,
- Li, Chengxiu, et al. “Slum and Urban Deprivation in Compacted and Peri-Urban Neighborhoods in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 99, Dec. 2023, p. 104863,
- Minghini, Marco, et al. Proceedings of the Academic Track at State of the Map 2022. Aug. 2022,
- Mohieldin, Mahmoud, and Djordjija Petkoski. Ideas for Action 2019: Financing Sustainable Development. World Bank, 2019,
- Musa, Usman, et al. “Non-Functioning Water Points and Child Health In Nigeria.” Dutse International Journal of Social and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 2, July 2021, pp. 105–13,
- Nakacwa, Stellamaris, et al. Combining Volunteered Geographic Information and WPdx Standards to Improve Mapping of Rural Water Infrastructure in Uganda. Florence, Italy.
- O’Keeffe-O’Donovan, Rossa. Water, Spillovers, and Free Riding: Provision of Local Public Goods in a Spatial Network. 26 Apr. 2022,
- Onda, Kyle. “Water Data Infrastructure For- and Middle-Income Countries.” Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, 2021,
- Requejo Castro, David. Data–Driven Bayesian Networks Modelling to Support Decision–Making : Application to the Context of Sustainable Development Goal 6 on Water and Sanitation. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 13 July 2021,
- Smith, Daniel W., et al. “Does Professionalizing Maintenance Unlock Demand for More Reliable Water Supply? Experimental Evidence from Rural Uganda.” World Development, vol. 161, 2023, p. 106094,
- Smith, Daniel W, et al. Inter-and Intra-Rater Reliability of Handpump Functionality Field Tests in Uganda. 2022,
- Sutton, Sally. “Trends in Sub-Saharan Rural Water Supply and the Essential Inclusion of Self-Supply to Achieve 2030 SDG Targets.” Waterlines, vol. 36, no. 4, Oct. 2017, pp. 339–57,
- Thomas, Evan, et al., editors. Innovations in WASH Impact Measures: Water and Sanitation Measurement Technologies and Practices to Inform the Sustainable Development Goals. The World Bank, 2018,
- Tiruneh, Selamawit, Tezazu Mussie, and Tamene Chaka. “Using WPdx for Decision-Making in Water Point Implementation in Ethiopia.” The Millennium Water Alliance, 29 Aug. 2023,
- U.S. Agency for International Development. Improved Access to Safe Drinking Water in Liberia Activity Year 1 Annual Work Plan. 30 Sept. 2023,
- Van den Homberg, Marc, et al. “Combining UAV Imagery, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Field Survey Data to Improve Characterization of Rural Water Points in Malawi.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 9, no. 10, Oct. 2020, p. 592,
- Van den Homberg, Marc, and Iryna Susha. “Characterizing Data Ecosystems to Support Official Statistics with Open Mapping Data for Reporting on Sustainable Development Goals.” ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 2018, p. 456,
- Yu, Weiyu, Nicola A. Wardrop, Robert Bain, et al. “Integration of Population Census and Water Point Mapping Data—A Case Study of Cambodia, Liberia and Tanzania.” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, vol. 220, no. 5, 2017, pp. 888–99,
- Yu, Weiyu, Nicola A. Wardrop, Robert E. S. Bain, et al. “Mapping Access to Domestic Water Supplies from Incomplete Data in Developing Countries: An Illustrative Assessment for Kenya.” PLOS ONE, edited by Laura Scherer, vol. 14, no. 5, May 2019, p. e0216923,
- Yu, Weiyu. Spatial Analysis and Modelling of Drinking Water Service in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries. University of Southampton, 2018,
- Zambia Joint Water, Sanitation and Environment Sector Report 2018. Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection, 2018,