Living Water International has demonstrated a strong commitment to collaboration and transparency by sharing over 3,000 water point records across 20 countries through WPDx. This valuable contribution adds key additional information to existing countries with extensive coverage in WPDx such as Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Liberia, helping to provide a more complete picture. Beyond adding to existing country datasets, the data from Living Water International also provides the first WPDx data in five countries, including the Central African Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. This data also pushed WPDx past the milestone of 300,000 data points for the first time.

Living Water International has a long history of collaboration and transparency, being among the earliest supporters of the WASH Sustainability Charter and as a co-founder of both the Millennium Water Alliance and the Accord WASH Alliance.  

According to Jonathan Wiles, VP of Strategy & Program Development, “We’re committed to doing our work collaboratively, helping communities build their WASH services sustainably by working arm-in-arm with governments and other great organizations. We can only do that effectively if we transparently share what we know with one another. We’re grateful for the Water Point Data Exchange and all its participants for making that sharing easier.”

Living Water International will continue to make data it collects available through WPDx on a regular basis.

If you have any questions about Living Water International, or the data they have shared, please contact Nathan Mallonee at