We are pleased to announce that WPdx data and decision-support analyses for Rwanda and Zambia are now available on the WPdx Decision Tools web app. For more information on the WPdx Decision Support Tools, please review this blog post. To review and access the WPdx-Basic and WPdx+ datasets, please go the Access Data page.
To zoom directly to the country view on the WPdx Decision Support Tools web app, please click the links below:
– Rwanda: 8,590 individual water points with contributions of more than 100 records from Living Water International, WaterAid, Water for People, and World Vision. The majority of data is located in Kicukiro, Gicumbi and Rulindo districts.
– Zambia: 5,511 individual water points with contributions of more than 100 records from Living Water International, SNV Zambia, UNHCR, Village Water, WaterAid, Water4, World Vision, and UNHCR.
The coverage and quality of available data will continue to improve as others share data through the platform.
Looking for help to upload your data? Reach out to info@waterpointdata.org today!