Share your data with WPDx.. in 30 minutes or less!
Sharing data with WPDx has never been easier. In fall 2020, WPDx completed a major overhaul of our ingestion engine to streamline the process for data sharing. This blog will take you step-by-step through the upload process. In most cases, this will take less than 30 minutes to complete! If you have questions, please reach out to
Before you start, please review our Data Submission Policy to ensure that you have the correct permissions to share the data.
The first step is to review the WPDx data standard and compare with your organization’s dataset. The ingestion notes file can help you document how to map your data to the standard which will save you time later in the process.
To upload data, the minimum requirements are for the dataset to include location (latitude, longitude in decimal degrees), presence of water when assessed (functional status), date of data inventory, data source (organization providing the data), and information on either/both the source and technology of the water point. While these are the minimum requirements, we highly encourage organizations to share as many parameters as possible to provide a more complete entry. These additional parameters, such as install year or management are utilized in the predict water point status tool.
Accessing the ingestion engine
Once you know which columns from your dataset you want to share, you are ready to start the upload process. Go to to access the WPDx ingestion engine.
Click on “Login to the System.”
Please note, the ingestion engine requires a Google account.
After login, you’ll arrive at the ingestion engine dashboard:
Sharing your data file
There are two options for uploading data:
Upload a physical file (.xlsx, .xls, .csv) from your computer
Provide a web link to an API endpoint, Google Sheet, Dropbox or other online system
To upload a physical file:
Before you upload the file, please rename the file using the following format:
Organization Name_Countries included_Month Year of Data included
For example, Global Water Challenge_Uganda_Jan2020
Select the “Source Data” tab
Select “+ Upload Data File”
Click on “Select File”, browse to your organization’s data file and click “Open”
“File Upload Successful” message will appear at top of screen
Share data via weblink
To upload from a weblink, you must provide a weblink with permissions. You will enter the weblink on the Data Import Workbench page after first providing some basic information about your dataset.
For Akvo Flow, request an API endpoint from your program manager. The API endpoint will be used in the direct URL box at the beginning of a processing task. For more details, please see here.
For mWater, create a datagrid formatted per the WPDx standard. This creates a permanent URL. Click on “Download as XLSX” and copy the download link. Use this in the direct URL box at the beginning of a new processing task. For more details, please see here.
For Dropbox, copy the download link (not the sharing link) to use in the WPDx ingestion engine. Use this link in the direct URL box at the beginning of a new processing task. Select the appropriate format from the dropdown.
For Google Sheets, ensure that the document is shared publicly (select “Anyone on the internet with this link can edit” from the share settings). Enter the URL for the Google Sheet in the direct URL box at the beginning of anew processing task. Be sure to select Google spreadsheet from the format dropdown.
For custom data platforms, please contact us to determine how we can best connect.
Start New Processing Task
Select “Processing Tasks” tab
Select “+ New Processing Task”
Task Name and Description
Enter the Task Name in the following format:
OrgName_Country/Region_Month/Year of data
For example, Global Water Challenge_Global_2019
Provide the main purpose for the collected data under Description
Complete the metadata prompts to provide a detailed overview of the data within your dataset.
The metadata will be visible on the data page for your dataset within the WPDx data catalog.
Point of Contact
Complete Point of Contact details for dataset.
To protect privacy, one option is to use an organizational level email (i.e., which can be forwarded by your organization to relevant contacts.
Allow data to process (this may take a few minutes). The Direct URL and format boxes will auto-populate.
If there are multiple sheets in your file, make sure the correct one is selected.
Scroll down to continue (the “Data is Processing” message may still appear)
If using a web address, enter directly in Direct URL text box and select the appropriate format option.
For JSON formats, be sure to leave the JSON Path field blank.
Data Structure
If your dataset is formatted to include only the column headers and the data, leave Skip Rows/Columns as “0”
If there are additional rows or columns which should be skipped (i.e., additional headers or title cells) enter the number of rows/columns to skip.
For the sample data shown below, you would enter “2” in Skip Rows. Leave Skip Columns at “0”
Ignored Values
If your dataset includes terms for blank/unknown values which should be ignored (i.e., Unknown, N/A, etc.), please enter those terms in the text box.
Use a comma as a separator between terms. Do NOT include any blank spaces between commas and terms.
For example: “unknown,Unknown,N/A,0,null,blank”
Data Mapping: Getting Started
There are two methods to complete the data mapping process:
Primary method..
Using the dropdown menu, scroll to select the column header from your dataset which matches the WPDx standard.
Some parameters may pre-populate, especially if your dataset is labeled with the WPDx #titles. Verify these selections.
Note: you cannot map the same column to two different standard parameters.
Optional method..
If there is a parameter which is not in your dataset, but for which a common value can be applied to all datapoints, Select “Constant…” from the dropdown.
#source – Data Source –> Constant: Name of Org
#country_id – Country –> Constant: “UG” or “GH”
#orig_lnk – Public Data Source URL –> Constant: URL
Data Mapping: Required Fields
There are 6 mandatory parameters:
#lat_deg – Latitude
#lon_deg – Longitude
#status_id – Presence of Water when Assessed
#report_date – Date of Data Inventory
#source – Organization providing data
#water_source – Water Source AND/OR
#water_tech – Water Point Technology
Data Mapping: #lat_deg and #lon_deg
Latitude and longitude must be in decimal degrees in WGS84.
Select the appropriate column header which matches with #lat_deg.
Go the next dropdown and make the selection to match #lon_deg
Data Mapping: #status_id
Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown
Default values include Yes/No. “Unknown” values (see slide 14) will be converted to a blank cell in the WPDx Global Data Repository
If your dataset does not include Yes/No, but instead terms such as “Functional/Partial/Non-functional” select “more settings..” and enter those terms.
True Values = terms which indicate the water point IS functional
False Values = terms which indicate the water point is NOT functional
Do not leave any spaces between terms, just a comma (i.e., Yes,functional)
Data Mapping: #report_date
Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown
The system will automatically detect the format of the dates in your dataset
If there are errors indicated, select “more settings…” and choose a specific format. (This should only be an issue in rare circumstance)
Data Mapping: #source
Provide the name of the organization providing the data.
If your dataset includes data from multiple sources, please map the parameter to the appropriate column header that lists each organization.
Otherwise, the entry for Data Source in the About the Data section will be applied to all uploaded records.
Data Mapping: #water_source & #water_tech
At least one of #water_source or #water_tech must be mapped for the upload to proceed.
Select the appropriate column header/s from the dropdown
If the information is constant for all values, you can instead select “Constant.. “ and enter in the appropriate value in the text box.
Data Mapping: Optional Fields
The “Optional Fields” are not required, but they do help to provide a more robust dataset for understanding the status of the local water sector.
Please map as many of the WPDx parameters as possible.
For any parameters which do not align with your dataset, you can select “No value for this field” (this is the default selection) and go on to the next parameter.
For example, if your dataset does not include any information on payment:
Data Mapping: #country_id
Select the ISO two letter country classification code, selected from a list of all ISO country codes.
If your dataset includes entries from different countries, this information should be included in your data file. Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown menu.
If your dataset only includes entries from a single file, you can select “Constant..” and enter a value to be applied to all rows.
Data Mapping: #adm1, #adm2, #adm3
#adm1, #adm2, and #adm3 are official administrative division designations
If you have questions, look at (see tutorial on next slides) or to determine the appropriate designations. Check administrative divisions
1. Go to and Select “Maps”
2. Click on country of interest
3. Select “Show sub-divisions”
4. This creates a map and a list of first-level subdivisions
5. Click on one of the first level sub-divisions
6. Click on “Show sub-divisions
7. This creates a map and list of second level subdivisions
Data Mapping: #activity_id
Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown
If a locally or globally recognized standardized identification number exists (i.e., a physical well ID number of barcode) within your dataset, please use that column
If your organization has a unique id system which would allow water points to be matched within your organization over time, please use that column
Data Mapping: #scheme_id
Select appropriate column header from dropdown
Data Mapping: #install_year
Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown.
Note that this field accepts a four-digit year or a full installation date. Only the year will be extracted from full date entries.
Data Mapping: #installer
Select appropriate header from dropdown.
Data Mapping: #rehab_year
Select the appropriate column header from the dropdown.
Note that this field accepts a four-digit year or a full installation date. Only the year will be extracted from full date entries.
Data Mapping: #rehabilitator
Select appropriate header from dropdown.
Data Mapping: #management
Select appropriate column header from dropdown.
Select the management classification of the entity that directly manages the water point. Example management types include:
Direct Government Operation
Private Operator/Delegated Management
Community Management
Healthcare Facility
Other Institutional Management
Data Mapping: #pay
Select appropriate column header from dropdown.
Data Mapping: #status
Select appropriate header from dropdown.
Please note that the system can not map the same column to two different WPDx parameters. If you would like to use the same column, please duplicate it in your dataset (and change one of the column headers). For example, it may be useful to use the a duplicated version of your functionality column for both #status_id and #status.
Data Mapping: #orig_lnk
If the data is available via a public link, select ‘Constant’ from the dropdown and enter it so that it can be applied to all rows.
If there is to a public link, leave as ‘No value for this field’
Data Mapping: #photo_lnk
Select appropriate column header from dropdown.
If there is to a public link, leave as ‘No value for this field’
Data Mapping: #fecal_coliform_presence
Select appropriate column header from the dropdown
Default values include Present/Presence and Absent/Absence. If your dataset include other terms, select ‘more settings…’ and enter the terms into the True Value and False Value text boxes.
Separate terms with a comma but do not include any spaces.
Complete associated metadata questions at the bottom of the page (see Water Quality Metadata section for more information).
Data Mapping: #fecal_coliform_value
Select appropriate column header from dropdown
Complete associated metadata questions
Data Mapping: #subjective_quality
Select appropriate column header from dropdown
Complete associated metadata questions
Data Mapping: #notes
Select appropriate column from header or apply Constant value is appropriate.
The #notes parameter can be used to enter custom data which the host country government or organization has selected.
For example, some organizations want to track seasonality, additional administrative districts, or some combination.
Multiple parameters can be included by creating a column that includes the parameters of interest, separated by a “;” or “…” delimeter.
Water Quality and Notes Metadata
If you mapped the #fecal_coliform_presence, #fecal_coliform_value or #notes columns, please complete the additional metadata question section.
Once mapping is complete
Select “Save” or “Save and Submit for Approval”
Select Save and Submit for Approval when your data has been fully mapped and is ready for upload
The status in the Processing Tasks tab will now show as “Pending”
An administrator will be notified and will complete the uploading process
Once approved, an email will be sent to the uploader’s email address
If the mapping was not successful, you will see an error message indicating which parameter was not mapped and explanation of why. Once the error has been fixed, you can submit the processing task for approval.
Successful Upload!
Once the data upload has been completed by an administrator, the status in the Processing Task will be marked as “Success”. An auto-generated email will also be sent to the account email address.
You can view an overview of the dataset in the WPDx data catalog by clicking on the eye icon.
The data catalog dataset page includes:
Metadata and contact details
Ingestion report – summary statistics of the number of rows uploaded and any errors encountered
Link to download source file
Data will be visible on the WPDx data repository within 24 hours.
Need to make changes?
Users can edit their datasets and processing tasks to correct errors or make other additions (i.e., add a new column that was not previously mapped).
To remove data from WPDx, please contact the administrator at with “Request to remove data from WPDx” in the subject headline. Include the name of the source file and the reason for the removal request.
Source Data: Update Contents or Delete
If you realize you have made an error and/or need to edit or amend an existing dataset, go to the Source Data tab, select ‘Update Contents’ and upload a revised file.
Once the file has been updated, go back to the associated Processing Task and check/edit the Processing Task content and data mapping and hit “Save and Submit” at the bottom of the Data Import Workbench page.
Do not use ‘Update Contents’ to initiate a new dataset upload as this will replace any previously shared data. Instead upload a new file and start a new Processing Task.
Editing a Processing Task
If you want to add/edit the metadata for your dataset and/or make changes to the way that the data is mapped to the standard, select “Edit” from the Processing Task tab.
Make any changes and hit “Save and Submit” at the bottom of the Data Import Workbench page.
An admin will be alerted of your update and will review and process the upload.